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Feb 8, 20246 min read
Discs Don't "Slip": Here's How Discs Get Injured
If I had a nickel for every time a low back pain patient said they "slipped a disc"... First, let's examine the anatomy of a spinal disc...

Jan 3, 20245 min read
Healthy Habits and Resolutions
Setting Smart Health Goals Have you ever felt like you were working hard but weren't making any progress toward your goals? You're not...

Dec 21, 20232 min read
Shin Splints or A Stress Fracture? How To Tell!
You're an avid runner. You've run multiple miles every single day for the past few years and you've had no issues. While on a run one...

Aug 2, 20234 min read
What are Custom Foot Orthotics
One of our most essential structures in your body is your feet! Your feet, and their arches, are responsible for daily tasks like getting...

Jul 19, 20232 min read
The Throwing Athlete's Shoulder
Surgeons, physical therapists, and Major League Baseball athletic training coaches from literally across the world annually present the...

Jun 1, 20222 min read
Tennis Elbow Pain Relief
Tennis elbow describes pain at the outside bump of the elbow, the lateral epicondyle. Particularly, this condition is a tendinosis or...

Sep 2, 20204 min read
Is Sitting the New Smoking?
Evidence has surfaced that shows sitting can have serious consequences for your health, so much so that it has been compared to smoking.

Jan 29, 20204 min read
Velcro? The “Fuzz”? What In The World Is This “Scar Tissue” That’s Causing Your Pain?!
Scar tissue building up around your joints, muscles, and nerves can be causing you a lot of pain!

Feb 13, 20192 min read
That's How That Works! Class IV Tissue Healing Laser
We have a Class IV Deep Tissue Healing Laser at our office by LiteCure. It is the top of the line, 25-watt version from a company leading...

Feb 3, 20193 min read
Top 3 Stretches to Prevent Bad Posture
When you have an injury, you need a great exam, great treatment and the right rehab exercises to get you "better, faster". After you feel...

Nov 14, 20182 min read
Headaches: Could It Be a Nerve?
Some people do, but some would have no idea that we are very successful in fixing headaches. Headaches can have many causes and are often...

Aug 30, 20182 min read
Psoas - The Most Important, Most Overlooked Muscle We Have!
There's a muscle that few talk about, a few more ever get theirs addressed, but so many people need it fixed. It's called the Psoas...
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